Monday, October 18, 2004

I have made a start on the back garden.

click here for a larger imageI have at last made a start on the back garden. These are all my bargain shrubs underplanted with daffodils. I will probably plant some geraniums for ground cover over the summer, and hopefully some asters for the autumn. There is little point having too much of the herbaceous stuff as the children will just kick their footballs into the beds. This will be a spring and autumn garden.

A very long hot summer.

click here for a larger imageOne day I hope to make this into the next part of the woodland bed. Its covered with nettles, although a load of foxgloves did self seed here earlier in the spring. I've been cutting the grass in the shape of the border, hopefully I might get some time in the winter to dig it out.

click here for a larger imageThese beds are still going strong, I wish in a way we could have a hard frost and I could have a good clear out. This year I actually left the big clean up untill March/April, a bit too late really, but it didn't take long as most of it had rotted and it was just a couple of days going around picking up dead stuff.

click here for a larger imageThis Ricinus is an absolute stunning plant, highly poisionous if the seeds are eaten although they were high enough that the children couldn't reach them.

click here for a larger imageAgain this has grown beyond our wildest expectations this year, obviously the manure and years of sheeps droppings has worked to feed the garden well, hopefully it will continue for a while longer.