Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A bit more progress.

The pergola is finally up and finished, just have to put some climbers in. I've got a Wisteria 'Amethyst', an Actinidia, and a Trachelospermum jasminoides, not sure what else to plant, I would prefer not to put anything in with thorns, and I'd prefer that it doesn't really need to be cut back too much, and gives a good canopy of shade during the summer months.
The back circle has greened up very well, I was a bit concerned that it would struggle, but it seems to be growing as fast as the rest of the grass in the garden, good job spring has lasted so long.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hope in the hills, of it ever being finished ?

Better late than never, the grass has suddenly started to green up and grow. The hyacinths are in full bloom and have grown very tall this year, and have survived outside ok for 3 years now. The two new areas have been planted, but it still looks very sparse at present, I'm sure in the course of the year I will be able to fill these beds to overflowing..
Movement in the dining area too. After buying a pergola 5 years ago (It was a bargain, so I had to have it.) We have finally managed to start putting it up. We've had to replace some of the screws with bolts because Met-posts are notoriously difficult to put in straight, but using the bolts everything seems to be squaring up ok.

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In the back garden the circle area is finally finished !!! The new chainsaw seemed more up to the job than the previous one. The daffodils all seem to have transplanted ok and are in full flower. I have planted some foxgloves around the lower edges of the circle, which hopefully will look quite dramatic when they flower. I've also filled in the higher edge of the circle, so we have 3 levels, which makes quite a difference. M'spouse has made a bench that is within the retaining logs, but isn't quite finished so will post a picture when it is.

click here for a larger imageclick here for a larger imageclick here for a larger image

A have a few Magnolia's just about to flower, and was very pleased to find that one of my £1 bargains could in fact be 'Leonard Messel', one I've wanted for a while, 2 others that I got un-named as bargains are going to flower this year too. I'm slowly progressing with the digging out of beds, my arms are groaning with the sheer amount of digging and wheel barrowing, but it is getting their, trouble is the front garden is being neglected so I need to spend some time in there too.

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Saturday, April 08, 2006

A promise of things to come..

We've had quite a few reasonable days over the last week, so we've managed to get on a bit more. I've started laying the turf cut by the turf-cutter, but as some has been rolled for quite some time now it has started to go yellow, I'm sure with a week or so of light it will recover in time for summer! With the chainsaw down we have got a bit behind and with it being the school holidays, have not been able to spend as much time as we'd have liked working...but we can't have everything...

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I seem to have been digging for ever in these beds and moving turf around to fill up gaps. The idea was to make a long winding path around the beds, rather that being able to walk around them, this was because nobody knew which ones to go down and it ended up that you missed half the garden, hopefully this will sort it out, once you start you can't get out until the end.....I'll probably have to end up putting stepping stones across flower beds to let people escape..
click here for a larger imageclick here for a larger image

I've been most impressed this year with the hellebores in the front garden, some of them have had about 100 flowers on, and they have made this area really colourful. The grass seems to be recovering from being dug up and moved in the front garden, the stone on the lawn is the one from the hole, we finally got it out with much difficulty and laughter.
I've started filling in this new area with some existing plants and a couple I've got from my bargin corner selection, a lot of the original plants in the borders need splitting anyway so its a chance to change things around.

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Some progress ??

click here for a larger imageAt last it has stopped raining for a few hours, enabling us to actually get in the back garden and try and reinstate some order and correct the damage we have done! M'spouse has been busy building a retaining wall around the new round grass area, this has envolved moving soil from some of the newly un-turfed areas.

click here for a larger imageI seem to have been moving barrowloads of turf and soil to this area. We have put black weedmatting behind the logs so that any grass that has been used to fill in does not start sprouting out of the sides...M'spouse has ruined our chainsaw too, we had the piston replaced and 2 days later its gone again, this was a stihl model which we were ill-advised about, we should have had a much tougher model or a new husband - the chainsaw guy suggested !

click here for a larger imageI've had to transplant all the shrubs and daffodils, hellebores from the bed covered now by this grass area, down to the lower area. I feel it looks much better now, and you get a nice view from the house with all the yellow, it'll be really nice when all the rhododendrons and azaleas are out in May (hopefully).

click here for a larger imageI've started digging over some of the beds that I've started rearranging. I'm making them much longer, joining some together and turfing over some parts of others, hopefully it will come together before long and the first open day.