Saturday, April 13, 2002

Slave labour

click here for a larger imageThe slaves hard at work, 2 weeks after we moved in. With our little old self propelled mower set on high and at an angle we managed to cut the 8" high grass to reveal the - lawn. The working party worked for 3 days solid (we did feed them occasionally) to dig a long bed, to heel-in all the long suffering pot bound plants that have survived 3 moves...

click here for a larger imageThe back garden took 3 back breaking days to mow, afterwards m'spouse got me the tractor mower, the best investment ever made..(thankyou). I'm sure one day he'll find a use for it..

click here for a larger imageThe mower got stuck in this area as there was so much surface water, no problem a bog pond is dug out.

click here for a larger imageA home at last ! These plants have been traveling around for 2-3 years in pots, dug up in winter, and cut back heavily, hopefully they will like their new home, although for some it may still not be permanent.

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