Still such a lot to do and plan, the big clump of nettles to the left (highly fertile ground I've been told) will one day be a bed, and I think the lovely lilac in the background will need a bit of a trim, the flowers earlier in the spring sent David looking for tissues and hayfever remedies, when I bought them in the house.
In the foreground is the makings of the stream bed, when it rains heavily the water rises up from an unknown source towards the bog garden, the only way to drain this area was to create the stream, although it would be nice to have it flowing all year, we did try syphoning the stream water, but after several unpleasant experiences with the hose pipe decided we'll go for a dry stream for the majority of the year.
The Stream as above was a necessity due to the high water table, the soil is very sandy and slightly acidic in this area, so hopefully the primula's will do really well.
We haven't decided what to do with this area yet, There is a wall surrounding this area, a pond which we relocated, it looks like a rockery and raised areas had originally been built, but it is very overgrown.
Behind the house we have an original leat, the water for the mill was directed into this area - like a pond - then out through a small hole in the wall and down the wheel.
The grass has been killed in preparation for the border to be dug out, the soil at this end is deep but at the other end is shallow and very stony, we will obviously have to improve it.
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