This next batch were taken after the judging, about 4:30pm.
The first picture shows Jeannette who I personally felt was treated unfairly by the finished program.
The second picture is Geoff's garden and although I thought Geoff was never going to win his presence added imensely to the whole experience and we probably spent more of our free time with him and his helper Ben than any of the other contestants.
Picture 3 is of Dean and Mandy our 'clients' who seemed to be quite geniunely pleased with their finished garden. When we returned to the site about 9:00pm to pick up our van for the drive home they were still sat outside enjoying the garden with friends.
Pictures 4 and 5, I have included, at Elaines request, to try and dispell the myth that our garden was mostly gravel!
Picture 6 is of Shirley's garden. I think she was lucky in that the householders taste was closer to her own than any of the other contestants. Shirley distingished herself by persuading the BBC driver to find an off-licence on the journey between the set and the hotel, thereby saving me a great deal of money.