The Alliums have been growning really well, the hosta's don't seem to have had too much damage from slugs, although I must admit to putting a small amount of slug pellets down when they were just starting to come up (I do try and hide them from the birds etc).
The sunken bed gets rather overwhelmed at this time of year, the growth is so lush. The orange rose is recommended "Warm Welcome", it seems to flower for most of the season as long as you continue to deadhead.
Again the bog area seems to be in a world of its own, its beginning to look like something from the lost prehistoric world. The pond area hasn't been too wet this year so we have run a small trickle of water through a pump from the river, it seems to continue working even when we switch it off, so its been quite interesting to see water all summer..
At last the new bed by the gate, this area has been a compost heap, then a weed experimentation area and now finally a flower bed. Its quite shaded here so I've put in some Rhododendrons and ferns, hostas, hemoracallis. Also tulips and alliums and lilies.
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