Friday, May 27, 2005

Preparing for judging

click here for a larger imageHere we are getting the garden looking good for judging by the Daily Mail Judges. I'm just recovering from a major abcess in my tooth, had finally got to sleep because of the pain, when I get a call from the Daily Mail can the judges come and see my garden next week....panic, if you'd seen the garden a week ago you'd have been shocked, in parts it was full of 3' high stinging nettles and other general huge weeds. Luckily my friend from my RHS class Jayne, agreed to come and spend the afternoon helping.

click here for a larger imageThe beds over by the summerhouse were some of the worst for invasion of couch grass and nettles and creeping buttercup, luckily the candelabra primulas look so wonderful . (Can't see them in this photo I know)

click here for a larger imageThe woodland garden is non existant, the pots of azalea and rhododendrons awaiting planting have added some much needed colour, I must get them planted.

click here for a larger imageThe gateway through to the woods I always looks inviting, its like being in another world once you pass over the threshold.

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