Thursday, May 11, 2006

Recovering from the NGS Opening

Peace at last...The garden was very glad of all the rain we've had recently, in its effort to recover from the trampling of over 300 people. The Urn is the one I got myself for my Birthday, I had to move the previous statue by Henry Moore to the new area in the front garden, this urn seems in keeping size wise. The cherry trees have flowered their socks off this year, the best yet. This Ceanothus 'Trewithen Blue' (I think), has grown enormously, its been in less than 3 years and is absolutely huge, I think I will have to try and prune it back after flowering - hope it doesn't die.

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The cherry tree, the Ceanothus with euphorbia 'fireglow' in the fore ground, and a Cornus Kousa of some variety.

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The grass in the back circle looks like it has been there for ever now, all the woodland beds are growing nicely, hopefully the Rhododendrons will be flowering soon. After a huge amount of effort we managed, at last, to move most of the giant rocks uncovered by the digger, the last huge one we had to use a drill in the end and luckily the rock came apart quite easily in layers. Some of the layers had roots over the whole surface, all quite interesting in fine detail. I have laid more of the weed matting out, and am saving up for some more cheap gravel.

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