Monday, March 17, 2003

New beginings.

Whilst I realize this just looks like markings on the grass, this will be the basis for the new beds in the garden. This area will be the sunken area to hide and relax in the sun, with the dominant colouring of orange and yellow.

We call this the grave bed, because of the pile of soil at the end - I think one of the children was buried there - that's the rumor going around. This bed will eventually become the red and plum/black border with a bright green accent, it may well be extended at some point.

It looks so bare at this time of year before the bulbs start coming up. I'm keeping an 8' path around the garden following the lines of the long border, the paths between the beds will all come off this and join in various places so walking around the garden should be possible in many different directions.

The new aviary that m'spouse started building, I'm afraid after an unfortunate accident with a step we purchased from Ikea, m'spose was left with yet another broken arm and ball joint, consequently he has yet to finish.

Just a picture of Ipheion 'Rolf Fielder' that looked so nice in the garden.

Quite a difference to the summer border, I hope to increase the overall evergreen content of the garden over the next few years to make it interesting all year round.

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