Friday, July 09, 2004

One Day to Go

click here for a larger imageOne day to go and this is how the garden is looking. We seemed to have a peak about 2 weeks ago and since then a few plants seem to have gone over and got a bit straggly (excuse me if this is not the correct hortcultural term but this is Dave posting and I'm definitely NOT a gardener). But now after a lot of deadheading and even more weeding the garden is looking it's best again.

click here for a larger imageHaving said that, some areas seem to growing a bit too well and we are torn between leaving this area intact or cutting back a bit to allow access to the sunken area.

click here for a larger imageOne of the hard working staff (head gardener actually) making a few last minute adjustments

click here for a larger imageThe newly cleaned out mill wheel should hopefully prove of interest to gardeners and no gardeners alike.

Comments Added

I have now added the facility to leave comments on each idividual post, so if you have any questions or opinions on a particular post please feel free to leave your two penneth worth.

In the wheel

Next week we are opening the garden for the first time, to a local gardening club as well as the public, so I thought it was about time I did some work rather than leaving it all up to Elaine. As the millwheel hasn't been cleared out since just after we got here the weeds, elder in particular, were starting to obscure the wheel. I had to climb right down in to the millrace to clear it out and found a part of the mill, some sort of governing rod, in the process.