Friday, July 09, 2004

One Day to Go

click here for a larger imageOne day to go and this is how the garden is looking. We seemed to have a peak about 2 weeks ago and since then a few plants seem to have gone over and got a bit straggly (excuse me if this is not the correct hortcultural term but this is Dave posting and I'm definitely NOT a gardener). But now after a lot of deadheading and even more weeding the garden is looking it's best again.

click here for a larger imageHaving said that, some areas seem to growing a bit too well and we are torn between leaving this area intact or cutting back a bit to allow access to the sunken area.

click here for a larger imageOne of the hard working staff (head gardener actually) making a few last minute adjustments

click here for a larger imageThe newly cleaned out mill wheel should hopefully prove of interest to gardeners and no gardeners alike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - your garden is amasing Elaine. What you have achieved in so little time is very impressive. It looks like the state of my garden but mine is on a smaller scale. I am very impressed. Can't wait to see it next year.

Helen Brading-Miles xxx