Monday, April 25, 2005

NGS Garden Visit

click here for a larger imageThe long border is already looking full of colour, the tulips are mainly from last years bargins, I'm really pleased that they have survived and even flowered again. I have lost some down in the bottom border by the wall, but it gets quite damp in places down there so perhaps this is why. I planted them at least a spades depth to stop them producing babies, so I think this has worked well.

This is the garden we visited one boring weekend, who open under the NGS quite regularly. Willow Lodge, nr Longhope its got loads of woodland plants, and was already quite colourful when we went.

The main grass area of the garden, it was very well looked after and parts were lovely to wander through. We took the sprogs to the arboretum first in the hope they would burn off some energy and walk nicely around the rest of the garden. Trouble was there were loads of lovely paths for exploring and interesting streams to fall in etc. But they did enjoy themselves and the lovely refreshments.

I managed to get Rubus 'Olypmic Double' that I'd seen at another NGS garden a couple of years ago that nobody knew the name of, since then have seen it a quite a few plant fairs, but I managed to get one here. Also got a skunk cabbage which hopefully will like our bog garden, it was quite a mature specimen so fingers x'd will flower next year.

click here for a larger imageThe new woodland border in the back garden is planted out with some of my bargin azaleas, loads of hellebores, and all my bargin bulbs, lots of dwarf daffodils, muscari, and woodland bulbs. The workmen on the mainroad when they cut and shredded some of the branches from some trees, had left a huge pile of shreddings that have now rotted well, so I took the tractor and trailer down and collected a few loads.

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