Friday, June 03, 2005

A summerhouse at last !

click here for a larger imageThe primulas are getting more spectacular each year, the judges for the Daily Mail were amazed by them, these were the ones I grew from seed, some are from RHS Harlow Carr which is quite famous for theirs.

click here for a larger imageThe bogpond area is very lush already this year, the blue siberican irises are stunning against the greens. The whole area here seems very calming and relaxing. I have placed some chairs on the patio area, but haven't had time to sit on them yet.

click here for a larger imageThe summerhouse has risen!. For the last year I have just had a space marked out for it. It only took a couple of days to put up in the end, but because of Davids limited movement in his shoulders, it was quite difficult for him to reach the higher parts of the roof. The dome on the top is infact a urn lid that we got at the local scrap merchant, we might go back for the other to put on top of the avairy.

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