Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Quick update

click here for a larger imageThis is the view from our bedroom window, towards the woodlands. We get a good view of the pond, and the dining area, and usually see what the children are up to.

I quite often spend time looking out over the garden, making plans of what I'd like to do next. Its a good exercise in disipline, as I always make far too many plans, and have to reduce all the ideas in line with the space I have available.

click here for a larger imageThe pond has progressed a little, I've started putting hessian bags filled with soil around the outside to disguise the edges. I'll be using plants from the bog gardens, divided and plant them into the sacks, hopefully they will fill out and hide them by the spring. The weather is still too wet to do an awful lot outside, but every available minute is spent out there.

click here for a larger imageThe herbaceous gardens are starting to go over at last, they seem to have kept hold of their leaves longer than usual, perhaps as they were delayed at the beginning of the season. Once things start to die down naturally, I'll think about clearing up, although I don't usually start until after Christmas. I find the dead and decaying leaves act as a good mulch and its much easier to clear the garden in Jan & Feb.

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